r06 r09 r12 r22
clvl required: 51
[4] Swords
Level 20 Holy Bolt (45/45 charges)
+40-55% Enhanced Damage
+100-300 to Defence
+75-150 to Attack Rating
Replenish Life +30-50
+1-3 to Concentration [Paladin Only]
+1 to Defensive Auras [Paladin Only]
+15 to Strength
Replenish 1 durability in 50 seconds
(0.75) 0-75% Extra Gold from Monsters (based on clvl)
+15 to Max Damage
r10 r14
clvl required: 35
[2] Claws
Level 5 Wake of Inferno (10/10 charges)
+25-50% Enhanced Damage
Resist Magic +20%
Adds 25-50 magic damage
+1-4 to Burst of Speed [Assassin Only]
+1-4 to Fade [Assassin Only]
+1-4 to Venom [Assassin Only]
+(0.625) 0-62 to Attack Rating (based on
10% Better Chance of Magic Find
r02 r06
clvl required: 19
[2] Swords
+5-10 to Minimum Damage
5-10% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 1 to (60-120) lightning damage
Attacker takes damage of 10-25
(0.375) 0-37% Extra Gold from Monsters (based on clvl)
+(1.25) 1-125 to Defence (based on clvl)
Magical Damage Reduced by 6 |
r11 r14 r26
clvl required: 59
[3] Bows
1% Chance to cast level 1 Teleport
on Striking
-2 to Light Radius
10-25% Faster Run/Walk
+(2.625) 2-262% Enhanced Max Damage (based on clvl)
<<--- typo? wrong column.
10-20% Increased Attack Speed (overall: 20-30%) <<---
typo? wrong column.
+(0.5) 0-50 to Attack Rating (based on clvl)
10% Increased Attack Speed
10% Better Chance of Magic Find
25% Chance of Open Wounds |
r05 r09
clvl required: 25
[2] Spears
+10-30 to Dexterity
+(1) 1-100 to Maximum Damage (based on clvl)
Hit Cause Monster to Flee +5-10
Prevent Monster Heal
20-50% Chance of Open Wounds
+1-2 to Javelin and Spear Skills [Amazon Only]
Hit Freezes Target
Replenish 1 durability in 50 seconds
r03 r05 r14
clvl required: 35
[3] Staves
+0-30 to Energy
+0-30 to Vitality
+(3) 3-300 to Defence (based on clvl) <<---
All Resistance +10
+1-4 to Fire Mastery [Sorceress Only]
+1-4 to Lightning Mastery [Sorceress Only]
+1-4 to Cold Mastery [Sorceress Only]
10% Faster Cast Rate
Hit Freezes Target
10% Better Chance of Magic Find |
r01 r05 r18
clvl required: 43
[3] Swords, Axes
+(1.125) 1-112 to Maximum Damage (based
on clvl)
25-35% Chance of Crushing Blow
+(0.5) 0-50 to Attack Rating (based on clvl)
+1-2 to Combat Skills [Barbarian Only]
-15 to Monster's Defence per Hit
Hit Freezes Target
Adds 78-156 poison damage over 2 seconds |
r08 r11
clvl required: 29
[2] Amazon Weapons
Level 8 Decoy (12/12 charges)
+10-50% Enhanced Damage
10-30% Faster Run/Walk
+1-4 to Jab [Amazon Only]
+1-4 to Impale [Amazon Only]
+1-4 to Fend [Amazon Only]
Adds 4-4 Damage
10% Increased Attack Speed |
r05 r06 r12
clvl required: 31
[3] Bows, Swords, Spears
+60-100 to Attack Rating
+20-40% Enhanced Damage
+2 to Light Radius
Adds 4-44 fire damage
Adds 3-33 lightning damage
Adds 2-22 cold damage - 0 secs
All Resistance +5
Hit Freezes Target
+15 to Strength
(0.75) 0-75% Extra Gold from Monsters (based on clvl) |
r11 r28
clvl required: 63
[2] Knives
5% Chance to cast level 13 Iron Maiden
on Attack
-100-200 to Monster's Defence per Hit
10-30% Increased Attack Speed (overall: 20-40%)
Attacker takes damage of 100-300
+(2) 2-200 to Maximum Damage (based on clvl)
+1-3 to Poison and Bone Skills [Necromancer Only]
10% Increased Attack Speed
8% Chance of Crushing Blow |
r05 r11 r21
clvl required: 49
[2] Staves
25% Chance to cast level 11 Chain
Lightning when Struck
30% Target's Defence
10-20% Increased Attack Speed (overall: 20-30%)
+(3) 3-300 lightning damage (based on clvl)
15-25% Faster Cast Rate
+(1) 1-100 to Mana (based on clvl)
+1-3 to Lightning Spells [Sorceress Only]
Hit Freezes Target
10% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 1-150 lightning damage |
r01 r11 r24
clvl required: 55
[3] Knives
6-16% Life Stolen per Hit (overall:
(1.5) 1-150% Extra Gold from Monsters (based on clvl)
10-30% Better Chance of Magic Find
Ignores Target's Defence
Hit Blinds Target +1-3
+1-3 to Mana after each Kill
+3-6 to Poison Dagger [Necromancer Only]
-15 to Monster's Defence per Hit
10% Increased Attack Speed
6% Life Stolen per Hit |
r04 r06 r22 r29
clvl required: 65
[4] Hammers
5% Chance to cast level 5 Fissure
on Attack
+45% Enhanced Damage (overall: 65%)
Adds (50-100) to (100-300) fire damage
Replenish 1 durability in 33 seconds
+1-3 to Elemental Skills [Druid Only]
+20% Enhanced Damage
+15 to Strength
+15 to Maximum Damage
10% Deadly Strike |
r15 r18 r26
clvl required: 59
[3] Axes, Swords, Polearms, Claws
Adds 312 poison damage over 8 seconds
(overall: 390-585 over 5 secs)
-30-60 to Monster's Defence per Hit
Hit Freezes Target +3-5
+50-100% Enhanced Damage
+100-200 to Attack Rating
+15 to Dexterity
Adds 78-156 poison damage over 2 seconds
25% Chance of Open Wounds |
r05 r11 r28
clvl required: 63
[3] Polearms, Axes
75-100% Chance of Open Wounds
-40-60 to Monster's Defence per Hit
+80-120% Enhanced Damage
Hit Freezes Target
10% Increased Attack Speed
8% Chance of Crushing Blow |
r04 r19 r21
clvl required: 49
[3] Bows
2% Chance to cast level 10 Blizzard
on Striking
Fires Magic Arrows
Piercing Attack (15-30)
Absorb Lightning +3-8%
Absorb Cold +5-8%
Adds 0-250 lightning damage (overall: 1-400)
Adds 25-100 cold damage (overall: 50-150 - 2 secs)
+20% Enhanced Damage
Adds 25-50 cold damage - 2 secs
Adds 1-150 lightning damage |
r01 r11 r21
clvl required: 49
[3] Spears, Polearms, Axes
20-40% Faster Run/Walk
20-50% Increased Attack Speed (overall: 30-60%)
+(1) 1-100 to Attack Rating (based on clvl)
+4-7 to Twister [Druid Only]
+4-7 to Fury [Druid Only]
+4-7 to Fend [Amazon Only]
+4-7 to Whirlwind [Barbarian Only]
-15 to Monster's Defence per Hit
10% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 1-150 lightning damage |
r01 r13 r29
clvl required: 65
[3] Polearms, Axes, Hammers
All Resistance +10-20
Hit Freezes Target +1-10
+10-30% Enhanced Defence
+35-90% Enhanced Damage
10% Increased Attack Speed
Damage Reduced by 5-15
-15 to Monster's Defence per Hit
Requirements -20%
10% Deadly Strike |
r10 r21 r30
clvl required: 67
[3] Maces, Hammer
+1 to All Skill Levels
+10-20 to Strength
+10-20 to Dexterity
+10-20 to Energy
+10-20 to Vitality
+(2.75) 2-275% Enhanced Max Damage (based on clvl)
+(0.875) 0-87 to Attack Rating (based on dvl) - (overall: 1.5/clvl)
+(0.625) 0-62 to Attack Rating (based on
Adds 1-150 lightning damage
+40% Enhanced Damage
Requirements +33% |